Source code for birdears.sequence

from .logger import log_event

from threading import Thread
import subprocess
import time

from .scale import ChromaticScale

from .note_and_pitch import Pitch
from .note_and_pitch import Chord

from .exception import InvalidSequenceElement

cb_thread = None

[docs]class Sequence(list): """Register a Sequence of notes and/or chords. Attributes: elements (array_type): List of notes (strings) ou chords (list of strings) in this Sequence. """ @log_event def __init__(self, elements=[], duration=2, delay=1.5, pos_delay=1): """Inits the Sequence with an array and sets the default times for playing / pausing the elements. Args: elements (array_type): List of elements in this sequence. (Pitch'es and/or Chord's) duration (float): Default playing time for each element in the sequence. delay (float): Default waiting time to play the next element in the sequence. pos_delay (float): Waiting time after playing the last element in the sequence. """ if not all(isinstance(element, (Pitch, Chord)) for element in elements): raise InvalidSequenceElement super(Sequence, self).__init__(elements) self.duration = duration self.delay = delay self.pos_delay = pos_delay
[docs] @log_event def play(self, callback=None, end_callback=None, *args, **kwargs): global SEQUENCE_THREAD if hasattr(SEQUENCE_THREAD, 'is_alive') and SEQUENCE_THREAD.is_alive(): try: SEQUENCE_THREAD.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Ctrl+C') exit(0) # TODO: later we should passa callback and end_callback here so the # thread can talk to user interfaces, cli/tui/gui etc SEQUENCE_THREAD = Thread(target=self.async_play, kwargs={'callback': callback, 'end_callback': end_callback, 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs}) SEQUENCE_THREAD.start() return SEQUENCE_THREAD
[docs] @log_event def async_play(self, callback, end_callback, args, kwargs): """Plays the Sequence elements of notes and/or chords and wait for `Sequence.pos_delay` seconds. """ global cb_thread global SEQUENCE_THREAD for index, element in enumerate(self): # is the current element to be played the last of the sequence? # because if it is the last, we will supress it's playing delay # and will use the Sequence.pos_delay is_last = (index == len(self) - 1) if callback: cb_thread = Thread(target=callback, args=[element]) cb_thread.start() if type(element) == Pitch: self._play_note(element, last_element=is_last) elif type(element) == Chord: self._play_chord(element, last_element=is_last) else: raise InvalidSequenceElement if hasattr(cb_thread, 'is_alive'): try: cb_thread.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Ctrl+C') exit(0) # TODO we should later get the element information and pass via a # dict to Sequence._async_play()'s callback so it can inform the # user interfaces on the status of the element current being played if self.pos_delay: self._wait(self.pos_delay) if end_callback: cb_thread = Thread(target=end_callback) cb_thread.start()
# FIXME: implement octave here:
[docs] def make_chord_progression(self, tonic_pitch, mode, degrees): """Appends triad chord(s) to the Sequence. Args: tonic (str): Tonic note of the scale. mode (str): Mode of the scale from which build the triads upon. degrees (array_type): List with integers represending the degrees of each triad. """ tonic_str = tonic_pitch.note octave = tonic_pitch.octave scale = ChromaticScale(tonic=tonic_str, octave=octave) for degree in degrees: chord = scale.get_triad(mode=mode, degree=degree) self.append(chord)
@log_event def _play_note(self, pitch, last_element=False): """Plays a note. Args: note (Pitch): The note and octave to be played. Eg.: 'C4' duration (float): Duration of the note in seconds. delay (float): Delay after the note in seconds. """ # requires sox to be installed duration = pitch.duration or self.duration delay = pitch.delay or self.delay # from sox manual: fade [type] fade-in-length [stop-position(=) # [fade-out-length]] # FIXME: this is experimental, revert to the old code if it is the case command = ( "sox -V1 -qn -d synth {duration} pluck {note}" " fade l 0 {duration} {duration} reverb" ).format(note=str(pitch), duration=duration) subprocess.Popen(command.split()) if not last_element: self._wait(delay) @log_event def _play_chord(self, chord, last_element=False): """Plays a chord. Args: chord (Chord): An array of pitches (notes and octaves) to be played, representing a chord. Eg.: ['C4', 'Eb4', 'G5'] duration (float): Duration of the chord in seconds. delay (float): Delay after the chord in seconds. """ duration = chord.duration or self.duration delay = chord.delay or self.delay chord_plucks = str() for note in chord: chord_plucks += " pluck {} ".format(note) # FIXME: this is experimental, revert to the old code if it is the case command = ( "sox -V1 -qn -d synth {duration} {chord}" " fade l 0 {duration} {duration} reverb" ).format(chord=chord_plucks, duration=duration) subprocess.Popen(command.split()) if not last_element: self._wait(delay) def _wait(self, seconds): """Waits, ie., stops execution for some time. Args: seconds (float): Seconds to wait. """ time.sleep(seconds)